Men who have had no problems finding a girlfriend throughout your life, what sets you apart from the men that do?

Admittedly not directly answering this question, but I (28 year old white dude in Canada) literally have level one Autism, adhd, and OCD (which all combine to make me a very interesting individual) and I'm a 6 out of 10, AT BEST, and I've never had an issue dating as an adult (both neuro- divergent and neo-typical women) because I simply just put myself out there and try. Like I truly believe that, as long as you have the obvious mandatory stuff (like good hygiene, not being selfish or egotistical, not talking only about yourself, etc.), all it really takes is trying and putting yourself out there. Oh, and always be yourself! People love genuineness/sincerity. I have had numerous women I've dated tell me that they were most attracted to me at first because of how "genuine" I am. Also, you need to direct your efforts at women who fall within your general vibe/lifestyle/ideology; like, I'm a staunch progressive (essentially a socialist), who is athiest smokes lots of weed and enjoys to the casual drink, so I'm not going to get anywhere if I'm putting my effort towards a conservative Catholic who lives an entirely clean lifestyle. Like, I'm sure there's cases where that's worked but that is definitely go8ng ro be a huge anomaly.

/r/AskMen Thread