Men who went from unattractive to attractive, what changes did you notice from the opposite sex ?

  1. Went to the gym, and focused on 5x5 of benchpress, squats and deadlifts. As soon as I had some definition, women were way more receptive to advances

  2. Got some well fitting clothes. Figured out that brand actually matters, women notice your sweater is from J crew or glasses are from Oakley.

  3. Stopped being friends with women. Honestly, this was the biggest one and seems like a no brainer. If you make it clear from the start you're interested in a woman and don't want to be friends, it dramatically increases your chance of sleeping with her.

  4. Realized the most valuable thing a man can offer is his time. So learned to walk away and not put up with petty bullshit just for a shot at sex.

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