Men with kids, what would you tell a man who was on the fence about having them?

I, 33F, am pregnant unexpectedly and I plan to be the primary parent. My partner was not secure or prepared to have this baby, dumped me and now feels terrible about it but we’re not together anymore and I’m not planning on it ever changing even though I love him and he does say he loves me. He’s expressed remorse for how he’s treated me but there’s no plans to be a family in the “traditional sense” and while it makes me sad, I just want my daughter to know who who he is.

We’re on good terms, but I’m pretty sure I’m moving out of the state in about 4-5 months to get support from family.

Will he eventually stop resenting me for having this baby since most of the responsibility is on my plate? I’m not even asking for child support. I don’t expect him to change after he’s born.

Be honest with me, I’ve already dealt with his brutal honesty so I can take it.


/r/AskMen Thread