Men and women of reddit who caught their significant others cheating, how did you do that? And what was your reaction?

I wasn't the victim I did it more or less. I had a really awful relationship. She was younger than me and everything was more important than me. Like on a top 10 important things in life things I was place number 311.

So back then I was sitting at a bar with my buddies talking about relationships and how awful my relationship was. One came to another we started to talk about tinder and after a while I installed it. Just to take a look how it would be. We made fun out of profiles everyone at the table had 1 like some stuff like that.

So the next morning I woke up and saw that I had a few matches a few chats. Stuff like that. So I talked to the girls we had some small talks a compliment for a photo here and there. But nothing really more. But it started to feel good to have a women who wants to talk to you. But after a few more days of chatting I felt guilty. So I stopped it.

Then one evening my ex and I was sitting on the sofa just finished our meal. When suddenly I got a notification on my phone. It was tinder. She saw it. I let her read all my chats she literally saw nothing except of small talk. But the damage was done. Just in that moment the notification popped up and I saw that she saw it. I knew it was over. But the broke up felt like a relief to be honest. But I have to say I was disgusted from myself. I can't imagine how it must feel and I'm really really sorry for it. And I never would do it again.

/r/AskReddit Thread