I mentioned this Wikipedia page on /r/worldnews and got banned

Yes, they didn't like my comment about the regressive left, apparently that is much more damaging to the subreddit environment/perception that they're trying to create/maintain than actual infractions of rules. But that's what happens when moderation stops being about the rules and becomes about politics and censorship.

I would not be surprised if the mods were colluding with sources of propaganda. That is a problem with the current 'default sub' format, because mods can simply accumulate power unchecked and even be given 'official' status to go along with it.

Also, I got some hate mail from some people, this was on the https://www.reddit.com/r/european/comments/44kl53/i_mentioned_this_wikipedia_page_on_rworldnews_and/ post I did about this situation:

I mentioned this Wikipedia page on /r/worldnews and got banned by stopyourscapegoating in european

[–]SalParadise72 -2 points 11 hours ago

poor you stop complaining who gives a shit its an internet forum

permalinksavecontextfull comments (1)report give gold

that same user went on to make a racist comment here https://www.reddit.com/r/european/comments/44jup1/is_anyone_else_thinking_of_starting_vigilante/czqvaqb, where he says that he wouldn't want to join a neighborhood watch because he is 'brown', implying that these watch groups are somehow only motivated by racism and that nobody except white people would want to join them.

Much of the modern-day left is totalitarian (i.e. many of the moderate voices are drowned out). Their power comes from lack of public awareness about the totalitarian left's self-serving goals. They invent situations, distort historical context, and corrupt statistics in order to gain power. The average SJW's that you meet online, they are often pawns who are brainwashed, and are using SJW themes as a way to bully others (i.e. achieve their own personal power in interactions). Unfortunately many may have been brainwashed initially by authoritarian figures such as unscrupulous college professors who use credential/degree inflation to make their own opinions appear to be fact under the guise of academic knowledge (i.e. "my opinion is the right answer on the test if you want to pass my course, and I'm a PhD so my opinion is correct", etc).

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