Mentor asked me out. Now I feel gross and want to quit him.

I recalled a similar situation lol When I was in a law school, I had an unmarried 40 years old lecturer. He found all of us by fb, so ok fine, we had a group chat, sharing materials for exam blah blah. Unless at one point he wrote me a person message and asked me out. And i was like maann, wtf? You could be my dad or smth xD and I ignored the message, even didn't answer and didn't tell anyone about that crap. Next time when we had his lesson he came, he was very pissed off and in front of whole groups he started to justify himself that he doesn't see anything bad with hanging out and making friends with his students. Hm, well, I would not call my friend " Hey pretty girl, maybe let's hang out? ". Anyway, after some time another girl from our group told me that he wrote her and suggested to hang out, and she refused. One other time she let him take her home with car. And he is periodically writing her messages with " Hey pretty..." context. hehe Idk, it's disgusting for me, honestly. I kind of was sexually harassed by my 75 years old university rector as well, so idk some people just think with what is in the middle of their legs, perhaps. That's creepy... I would quit if I was you. If you are not interested in aged male ofc lol

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