Mercy players climbing with negative winrates?

but then veers off into some weird "redesign Mercy" tangent.

people always say. if something is broken. suggest how to fix.

this are the common suggestion for this issue.

Flat SR gains for wins and losses solves everything.

so i lose 10 games. only way for me to get back to where i was is by winning 10 games in a row?

that makes no sense. if im at 3000. i drop to 2500 because of 10 losses. the current system allows me to reach back to 3000 sr WHERE I BELONG with 5 games.

the current system is designed around countering smurfs/de-rankers/boosters. they try get those types of players BACK to the SR they belong at. you want a flat system? then enjoy play with a GM smurf for like 50 games.

you really want to spend a week getting BACK to where you belong because of 1 bad day instead of maybe a fraction of the time?

people who suggests a flat win rate is experiencing 1 thing. they are falling too fast BACK TO WHERE THEY BELONG because they somehow reached too high of an SR for their MMR. they want to slow that down.

How about we address the actual root of the problem that is the game thinking it can evaluate players' performance during a match?

it can. because every hero has SOME sort of mechanical aspect. other heroes although requires game sense/awareness RELIES MAINLY on mechanical. that can be measured. not something that cannot be measured like game sense. mercy is 99% game sense/awareness. her rez is based SOLELY on the situation of the game. and that is the problem. mercy gains too much stats from rez. just move some of those stats to other areas. so instead of like gaining 100 stats due to a rez. they only gain like 20-30. the other 70 stats are moved to other parts of her kit. because currently. the only way mercy players play is they build their ult. they stop doing everything all together. wait for people to die. rez and repeat. they only heal you to build ult. once they have it. they stop doing everything all together. some of the better stat padders will at least damage boost. but they WANT you to die so they can randomly rez you.

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