Merry Christmas From /r/Eve

And yet another sad truth: normally that'd be the way to go, but with SC being crowdfunded and depending on the faith and good will of the community, do you really want trolls to run rampant around here? What image does that gives to potential backers looking to inform themselves about the game?

Ideally, troll messages should be removed, and the instigators banned from here before the more militant users could even reply. But I've been telling that to the retarded mods for YEARS, so far with no results. So, take your pick: either allow trolls to do a smear campaign on us, or fight back.

I'm speaking about this subreddit cos it's the most obvious example (Spectrum and individual clan forums can already manage themselves on their own). Also, you're still lucky that nowadays the trolls can do nothing anyway. But believe me that things were pretty heptic in the dark days of the project.

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