Message for the fans of PewDiePie visiting this sub re:another mentioning in another manifesto

sure, but i don’t see how that ties to pewdiepie himself.

i’ve never watched a pewdiepie video but i’ve heard “subscribe to pewdiepie” in videos anywhere from MrBeast to small music producers. it’s a meme in the whole YouTube community. no doubt in the alt right parts as well, but it wasn’t created there and isn’t only there or even tied to it or pewdiepie himself. so while the shooter might have gotten it from some alt right/nazi groups, i don’t see how that falls on pewdiepie.

idk about the newest shooter, but if he was a fan of pewdiepie or has more direct ties then sure. pewdiepie’s “edgy” humor and the people he keeps around aren’t a good look and it’s valid to expect him to take responsibility for what kind of community he creates with that. just yea, first shooter seemed like a stretch.

/r/BreadTube Thread Parent