A message from J. Allen Brack and Ray Gresko about the future of Heroes of the Storm and the HGC

Actually one of the few MOBAs I could stand, and therefore understand because League of Legends and Dota were never my thing. Sure, the it was and will never be as popular (both the game itself and the pro scene) but it some years ago getting an alpha invite I was hooked, quit a couple times but came back regardless.

But this is depressing. I've been around since the release of WoW's Cataclysm expansion at this point I've seen Diablo 3 shit the bed and get shelved (and to add salt to the wound comes a mobile-only, reskin Diablo title), the slow decline of World of Warcraft both in terms of subscription and overall reaction from the community (it's at the point of where I can say BfA may be worse than WoD), Starcraft went F2P and has been ignored since then... and finally this.

To put it short, it's a bad time to be a Blizzard fan.

/r/heroesofthestorm Thread Link - news.blizzard.com