message from the mods

I didn't watch the entire video because i didn't want to see it... i knew where it was going and i switched off. That's my choice and let me make it, don't make it for me.

I agree that there are somethings in this world that need to be censored for the safety of others... i don't agree that the video in question is one of them.

I stumbled on this sub not long ago and i took an interest as it opened my eyes to the darker side of humanity and i probably won't hang around here for ever as i haven't with other subs.

I like to believe that as a human we are all civil and nice to each other... but that's not reality. Just because i see the world one way does not mean my neighbor sees it the same, and that's what makes this world the way it is.

Suicide is a disease... it's a fault in the human operating system that makes it want to self destruct. Suicide has impacted me personally and I've seen the pain, anguish, grief, and turmoil it causes. But the reality is it happens. It's a part of life that's dark and one that nor you or I cannot fathom as each case is individual for it's own circumstances.

I don't believe censoring this sub because of one video is the right action. There is more to this sub than one video and one reality.

This sub makes me realise that life is precious, that others don't have it as good as me, and that some times others just need to check out no matter what the costs.

Don't let this poor dude die in vain. Hold your loved ones tight tonight folks, tell someone you love them, it might be the last time you get to. It might save them.

/r/watchpeopledie Thread