I messed up with Serana's dialogue options and now it's impossible for me to cure her. Are there any mods that would let me fix this? (Xbox One)

From uesp:

You can reverse the effects of your choices in conversation by typing the following into the console: SetPapyrusQuestVar DLC1NPCMentalModel ToldPlayerSheDidntWantCure_var False. You will now be able to convince her to get cured. If she still refuses to talk about being cured, type the following into the console: SetPapyrusQuestVar DLC1NPCMentalModel CutOffCureDiscussion_var False. You can force the quest to start by typing the following into the console: setstage DLC1SeranaCureSelfQuest 10. If the Serana cure quest should become stuck you can use setstage DLC1SeranaCureSelfQuest 100 to finish the quest after stage 10 and have Serana back, without her vampirism.

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