I met a man who's clearly a male and dresses like a girl. I feel stupid because I don't know which pronoun to use when talking to them. What do I do?

I am genuinely lost on how i even get downvoted this much.

I sincerely apologize if any of you have been offended by my way of writing but all you snowflakes took this way too harsh.

I never said anything intentionally hurtful about them, called them anything or made them feel uncomfortable all those days. They were nice as shit and i didn't want to ruin that experience from both sides by something that is so sensitive and fragile to bring up, especially for me as it was new to me.

All you fuckers have proven that exact point of it being sensitive and fragile and i reckon half of you aren't even transvestite yourself or had to face this situation. Goddamn bias fucktrumpets.

/r/TooAfraidToAsk Thread Parent