[Meta] Any ideas why this sub is so toxic

I said I was talking in terms of martial arts but again you never bothered to read the comment so whatever

I know two trans men who compete in men's events in Martial arts in Wellington. One is black belt.
Trans men compete at the same level as cis men, so again it puts to rest your supposition that first puberty is the deciding factor in life-long strength.

because you're talking about a trans athlete that's taking testosterone in the 35-39 bracket, a bracket in which any typical male is going to be at the lower end of the testosterone spectrum and hormone therapy is typically going to provide higher levels overall and more consistent levels than your average male athlete at that age.

The average adult cis male has 270-1,070ng/dL and loses 1% of that per year over 30. A man at age 39 will still have 245ng/dL at the lowest level.
Reandron and Sustanon - the two most common hormones supplied to trans men - are injected periodically and result in peaks and troughs that cis men don't get. The average for a trans man on sustanon bi-weekly is a trough of 110ng/dl and a peak of 280ng/dl which averages out to be about the same as a cis man at age 39.
You're making these assumptions without any knowledge of trans endocrinology. It needs to stop.

Comparing FTM to MTF is not valid because you're ignoring the key factors which MTF experience in puberty, namely the difference in muscle development which allows for greater potential muscle mass development even without testosterone being administered due to the increased number of fibres which no amount of hormone therapy can replicate post puberty.

Yet somehow trans men can compete directly with cis men even though they apparently lack these extra muscle fibres. And trans women are unable to outperform their rivals in competitions - Chloie Jönsson, a crossfit pro - has nine of her competitors having higher maximum lifts than her - one by more than 110 pounds!!!
Chloie should be crushing them if she had the kind of advantage you are claiming. Yet she's not in the top 3 - or even the top 5!
All of the available evidence points to trans women being at a disadvantage because they have such minute amounts of testosterone compared to cis women.
The fact that people like Chloie are even competing in the same league as cis women is remarkable and shows her incredible commitment to her grueling training schedule to keep up with them.
Transgender MMA fighter Falon Fox lost to a cis woman and has been shown to have consistently lower muscle mass than her opponents! Again, she should be destroying people left and right - as well as being much stronger. Instead she lost to the first opponent who wasn't on a losing streak!
And where are all these 'trans champions' you'd expect? If trans women have a marked advantage, why aren't they dominating sports? Trans women in cis sports perform on the average-to-poor scale, which is due to the lack of testosterone production compared to their cis competitors.

I'm seriously so fucking over this, anecdotal evidence isn't proof and you're completely ignoring half my argument.

These are real people with recorded statistics, not anecdotes. You're not even providing data AT ALL!
All you have provided are your personal opinions without even a stray anecdote!
You lack experience and knowledge about cis and trans hormone levels. You don't appear to have a very good grasp of endocrinology. You don't provide examples. You don't provide data.
I'm sorry, but your armchair speculation isn't cutting it here. I know what I'm talking about and you don't.

/r/newzealand Thread Parent