META Characters Tinfoil Discussion

No not trolling -- just probing for answer that definitively prove otherwise - the show has already introduced an alt timeline I've been waiting on in the books -- years and years of time have gone by -- all the plot devices are there -- now the discussion is all new again because viewers are being given the mechanics of the direction of the series the book readers haven't been given - and in some way readers are getting pissed because years of expertise work is now going down the drain as show watchers are being given essentially 25 years of knowledge in a mere 6 years (or in 1 year - during Season 6, more specifically - Season 6 is the big reveal of sorts - but there are bigger reveals coming).. there is a reason GRRM has only released some select chapters and not others - it's because the other chapters contain the answers to such things as past history modification by Bran, and how there is a countering other force competing .. please don't think I am trolling -- please think I am thinking. I am a huge 1950-1980 sci-fi fan - I've seen it all in print and film - all the components are inside this story just waiting to be hatched - and this is part of why GRRM has waited - he can't release the newest book until .. ironically, the show catches up to him .. I mean hey, look at all the literary devices he has already used -- it's silly he would be using all the techniques in one place - ASOIAF -- click it .. --> LOOK --> all these devices are in the books .. it's all 1950-60-70-80-90 stuff .. open your thinking a bit

Everything known is wrong up to this point because everything is a revised history --- Arya is a Faceless Man because it is her mother's death - Lyanna's that makes the determination that she will come back and revenge her (Lyanna's) death -- that's the checks and balances -- sorry if my thinking is too outside the box for you -- but I am a big picture down perspective person, not a minute detail up approacher .. The Waif is 36-ish years old .. how old would Lyanna be?

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