[Meta] No fat logic (that I know of), but don't know how I'm so fat (very long)

I understand why they still taste sweet, though. Fake sugar is intentionally made to be about 10-100 times sweeter than normal sugar. It's quite a mindfuck, but one that won't break your diet. I actually mostly drink diet Gatorade/sparkling water because I have a godawful bitter taste in my mouth from GERD and the flavoring from Gatorade helps wash it away for a little bit. I figure if I'm going to be drinking flavored things, they should be zero-sugar/zero-calorie. (And OTC reflux treatments don't do anything for me, I've tried more than one)

I don't know if reintroducing lunch into my day is going to be all that great at this point. I've kind of grown to like my lunch being 30 minutes of reading or drawing instead of wasting half or three-quarters of it eating.

Tried yoga once before, would not do it again, honestly. I can't believe it's supposed to be relaxing. I was winded from doing a beginner-level yoga routine! I couldn't even finish it because I was in pain from the five minutes I did do.

I think if I'm to do exercise, it's going to be weight training. I hate cardio, I wouldn't run if my life depended on it because I like having working knees (plus I have a sprain-prone ankle that I've had all my life), but I can lift things and do sit-ups/crunches/push-ups/squats.

Thanks very much for the encouragement, though. I just need to find my willpower buried under all these love handles. I know it's there somewhere! :)

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