Meta post about why your not getting gf/bf

Also you can barely change your appearance to be attractive.

I don't agree with this segment right here. You can change a lot of things: hairstyle, skin treatments, fashion, your body (eating well, sleeping well, going to the gym), and learning how to confidently express yourself. The main problem is that no one wants to put in the effort to change. A little anecdote about me: over a year ago I was like these dudes on here. Never had a gf and posting here looking for guidance. I always pegged myself as to be at least average, maybe above average. Maybe it was true, maybe not. But that's not the point. After I started taking care of myself and changing my appearance, I was able to be confident and talk to people and make friends. Friends are great for two things: you learn to socialize better and you can network with their friends. Soon, I'm talking to girls irl no problem and I'm getting dates easily on dating apps. Put in the effort and time and girls will notice that. Girls subconsciously analyze you during the first 5 seconds of meeting you. Make it count.

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