So the meta smoke load out.....

Basically. Trying any type of long range fight with Smoke now is like trying to 1v1 a Caveira with her pistol out in close quarters: prep that ass because your cheeks are about to get clapped.

Smoke is still going to be viable because he offers so much utility. Aside from site remodeling, he can deny plant for a solid 30 or so seconds with a simple toss of his smoke grenades. Maestro and Echo can fill a similar role, but it's up to you if you think a Maestro Evil Eye is just as good as a cloud of smoke for denial.

I'm guessing Ubisoft saw Smoke's 90%+ pickrate in Pro League and decided he needed a nerf. It's the same reason they took my girl IQ's nades away. I thought Smoke was in a good place before, but whatever I guess.

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