Meta spinfoil: Destiny 2's big changes are the work of someone trying to add to a portfolio

They didn't make New Coke terrible on purpose. That's what I think happened here.

I get where you're coming from, I just stand by it making no sense. It isn't like they threw in space battles and they didn't work out, Destiny 2 pretty much simplifies everything, which makes two things true.

The first is that there really isn't a lot of innovation at the core of the game. Adding something like space battles would be, where as this is basically just simplification across the board. But I digress.

But to me, balancing a nightfall to make it actually possible to do in a time limit is even harder, right?

Not really. It isn't like the time limit is super strict. Like, Rat King requires you to finish the Nightfall with five minutes left, so it should at least be possible to finish it with five minutes to space and I've done it with as many as 15. I'm sure a really good team could do some of them with every more time on the board, so the time limit is fairly generous, thus it should be fairly easy to balance.

Being good at the simplified gunplay of D2 takes a ton of time and effort. Sure anyone can pick it up. But it's damn hard to get kills. Unlike the chaos of D1.

Eh, I'd argue it is more perspective. Like I find Destiny 2 easier than Destiny 1 for the reasons I mentioned. Just because using a super is fast and easy, don't discount people who were good at throwing grenades or the fact many people used shotguns and snipers like primaries. At least in two, even if you play like garbage, assists count as kills and you don't feel like you did as bad as you arguably did.

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