[Meta] [Vent] Can we stop attacking people who ask for help? Please?

First and foremost, these posts need to stop being upvoted. I can think of about 3 individual comments in 2 threads right now that are pretty demeaning and rude. Where are they? Upvoted to the top of the thread. When these type of rude and demeaning comments are upvoted, it encourages people to make more of them.

Now, there are some cases where OP is just absolutely ridiculous and they get chewed out for it. That's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about new users, usually well meaning, who get downvoted and chewed out because they either don't know know as much as other users, or because their opinions don't match up with the norm here. What you have to understand is that /r/dogs represents a much more "extreme" form of dog ownership. The average American dog owner probably doesn't even walk their dog, let alone do any intermediate or advanced training. Expecting these types of people to know the ins and outs of dog care and training is like expecting a 2 year old to know how to read. These types of posts should be approached in a polite and understanding manner with a focus on education. Nobody learns anything when they are being taught by a rude and condescending asshole.

/r/dogs Thread