Metacanada is encouraging users to join the NDP and vote Niki Ashton in to a leadership role. They are doing this because they believe her policies and past comments/history can be used to hurt the NDP...

I'm a staunch NDPer and am behind Angus, and Caron looks pretty good too, before anyone gets me wrong that I'm behind the "liberal" Singh.

But fuck, this is exactly the thing Ashton is inviting to the party with her style. There's this insane coalition of magacanadians, partisan liberals, and far left NDPers that would like nothing more than to see her elected. Yeah, the NDP went too far right last election, but Ashton has no monopoly on that epiphany. Take note, all the far leftists that hijacked /r/NDP.

Caron and Angus would both shift the NDP left without going overboard. Even besides her policies I find that she is too divisive to even the party itself. How can that even possibly translate to Canada at large? Just as with the conservatives, a party shouldn't become too inward looking and partisan for its own good. I say the NDP should provide a credible alternative in 2019 to give Canadians the 3 way race they deserve and not accept irrelevance debating points of purism that will never be achieved.

/r/onguardforthee Thread Link -