Metro dev: If Exodus underperforms next game won't be on PC

I honestly don't blame the devs. Gonna get down voted to oblivion, but the metro series has always been one of my favorite series. I wouldn't care if it was Nintendo Wii U, I'd get one just to be able to finish this series. That's how much this game means to me. If the format for which the game is on displeases you, get it on something else. If all you have is PC, stop whining and get the game if you actually care about the game. All the people bitching about it on the epic games store, I don't blame them saying fuck pc gamers. "Waaaah it's not on steam!" Who gives a shit. I'd rather sell to console gamers just based on the fact that they aren't a bunch of pissing and whining babies. It's not worth it to try to pander to a group that will always find something wrong or something to bitch about.

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