Mexican President Says He's Changed Mind About Using Army to Keep Peace

Chemical demons possessing you is a myth.

See, this is the type of heroin apologism I was talking about. Chemical dependence is real and it’s horrifying. Calling that a myth is insane.

Yes opiates cause phisical dependency, but people choose it because its easier to just Inject happiness then work on your issues.

People choose it because withdrawal hurts like hell. There’s no way around that, save to never use in the first place.

I want heroin addicts and dealers to be given the opportunity at redemption.

You can’t do that. Their community has to, and you can’t force them to accept addicts who have lied and stolen, or criminals who have led people into a life of addiction. I’d like rehabilitation to be possible, I really would, but the instances where it works require a lot of risk taken on the part of communities that we can’t force on them.

You want to lock them in a cage because it removes them from society

Correct. If you’re a dirtbag selling heroin in my town, I want you in prison and away from my children. You are a threat to me that I want removed.

Those cages just fucks them for life, and we have 50+ years of it not working at all.

You have no counterfactual. There’s no alternate universe where heroin is legal and well-known that you can point to.

Drugs are more cheap, pure, and accessible as ever before.

Depends on the drug. Another thing I hear here that’s completely nuts is “illegal drugs are more accessible to children, I swear high schoolers can get pot easier than beer,” which is complete bullshit based in biased anecdotes. No, no, absolutely not.

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