MFW after my coworker taps my Starbucks coffee saying, "6 dollar coffee" and I respond with, "It's just black, so it wasn't $6, but thanks for judging me."

The mental health benefits alone of whatever magical fucking cup of coffee I want are unquestionably a cost saving measure- cheapest antidepressant, cheaper than therapy, and allow me to not quit my job when I have to get up at way-too-early o'clock.

Whenever some dude does that I just say, "Oh hey, let's talk about your vices- $7 beers? $20 hookers? Weed? Molly at a concert? A gym membership you never use? Or brotein powder and pre-work out mailed to your apartment? Daily chipotle? Fucking fit bits? Cars? Real estate? Watches? Short lived hobbies? Infinite bad tinder (tindr?) dates?"

Anyone who needs to criticize my consumer choices always has their own overpriced habits fueled by insecurity that are 10x more expensive than a daily (though for me it's like once every two months) fancy coffee.

Rant over. Girls are so high maintenance and expensive!

I spend 10 times less on my lifestyle than my brother, but because I'm a stock photo white girl I must live off a steady diet of Benjamins.

Okay, now rant is over.

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