MH370: Malaysia Airlines' captain deliberately crashed plane in murder-suicide, investigators conclude

I don't know how to write this so that the language doesn't come across snarky or anything so I'm prefacing this with: read this super neutrally.

Have you ever struggled with deep mental health issues? Planning your suicide is one of the most common ways people cope because 1) today is not 'the day' and 2) whenever anything bad happens you know that 'the day' is coming soon. Pair that with people with mental health disorders are more likely to engage in risky or dangerous behaviour. It's not out of bravery but often almost an attempt at self-sabotage.

Considering murder-suicide is definitely a self-sabotage: crashing a plane (knowing you'll have a 100% success rate of death) is more cowardly than most types of suicide attempts. Hoping your OD was enough, hoping you bleed out before you're found, or hoping that the shot to your skull does the job takes a lot more guts in my opinion. AND THEN the guy doesn't even have the balls to just take himself out. No, no. He's too weak to face the world and deal with the pain he feels so he has to foist that upon others and end the lives of dozens of people.

That's cowardly.

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