Mi ranchito

you are just a narrow minded ignorant mexican. So mexican people are only good enough to wash dishes? That is not my people, my friends and family are Mexicans who are architects, scientists ,they are the Restaurants owned by Mexicans of the 4eme in Paris who own restaurants rich in mexican cuisine, they are the yachts td in Cannes harbor proudly waving the mexican flag at the anual telenovela event in Cannes cinema, and finally , they are me, fluent in 3 languages, cultured, traveled, and wealthy enough to not to have to work all of the time. Yes.. that’s right , since I make so much money as an real estate agent here in Mexico, selling and creating beauty in my home land , such that I am free to travel for months or even years without worry. Pero solo pierdo el tiempo ya que ni inglés as de saber pedazo de ignorante ... gente como tu es a la que me refería ... “lavar platos en Europa” eso no existe en países de primer mundo ... posiblemente lo digas porque algún familiar tuyo es lo que hace en Estados Unidos y en tu pinche cerebro tan pequeñito es lo único que has de escuchar , por eso piensas eso de las demás personas ... pobre patético de mierda !!! Y me encabrona que no pueda subir fotos de mi vida en estos países que si no ... te cagas de celos

/r/mexico Thread Link - i.redd.it