Michael's Midlife Crisis. Uranus is 42.

Go soak your head bud. I don't care if his name is HugeSpliff420ForLife_THCLove32. It doesn't change the fact that Uranus plays a part. I never said I agreed with all of what he has said, or is saying—only that Uranus plays a role, and his observations concerning certain aspects of that role. Also, I don't drink or do drugs, so that's a null and void argument. But I can say, I would rather defend him than you any day of the week, that's for sure, because of your caustic bloviating attitude. And, how are you remotely saying he is "profiting" from anything? Are you suggesting he is making money off a 300 view video? Give me a break.

Do you honestly think the GTA V developers thought of any of that bullshit when they were putting this game together? You know they didn't, right?

No, I don't know that at all. Did you help develop and make the game? That's a no, right? Then you don't know either.

If you want people to be more accepting of your ideas, get less stupid ideas.

So because you disagree with what I or someone else says, that gives you the right to come on here and lash out anonymously behind your computer? I don't think so. You act as if I attacked you in my message to you here, which is the furthest thing from the truth. And if it came across that way, then too bad, because I would've already banned your sorry ass a long time ago. As far as proof is concerned, not only did he provide proof for his claim in his previous posts, but so have I, after the fact. You have choose to ignore it, and make fun of everything because it doesn't fit your brainwashing. That's your problem, not mine or anyone else's. It is YOU who must provide proof at this point, because it is YOU who has no proof that it doesn't play a role, when all the evidence is saying it does.

What's the next step?

The next step is to take your foot, and plant it firmly within your ass. That's your next step. Hey, I'm not above being blunt with folks either. I can bring it right down to your level. /r/iamverysmart

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