Michigan candidate's daughter urges people not to vote for him in viral tweet

Well Marx, Horkheimer, Adorno and modern critical theorists wrote extensively about it. Stalin had his five year plan.

The core concept is you had to destroy the old instruction systems to create the new. This extends to destroying the nuclear family so you could replace it with a community structured family.

Something about happier people and a workers utopia? Single parents and wards of the state don’t fare well statistically, people in todays society are spree killing their own tribe and using a variaty of escapism to drop out of society. Academics long hypothesised what would replace the spiritual void left by the abscence of religion in the 21st century. It looks like the psychologists were right, and the social theorists were wrong.

Marx was wrong about the industrial revolution, it created the middle class instead of collapsing it, workers becoming socilaists - they became capitalists, material dialectic, and his absolute and uniform model of class structures. The only things he got right, were critiques he took from Sombart, but he still got the timing off by a century, and late by an entire technological revolution.

I don’t think you’re going to find many adults who were educated about 20th century history, who don’t see the parallels between then and now, or understand very well the ideologies and their derivitives that are being taught. It’s just a process unfoldingat a slower rate this time. It’s still going to produce disaster.

So, do you have any critical analysis or rebuttal for my comment or the statement “Marxist colleges twisted the whole family against me/god”?

/r/nottheonion Thread Parent Link - thehill.com