It might be pregnancy, it might be my insane inlaws but now that dust has settled with JNMIL, I am extremely angry at DH, even though it's not his fault. Is this a common trap and how do I climb out of it?

To answer your question, yeah it's part pregnancy.

The stress of the situation is making it worse, but that story of the getting so mad that you left the room because of his breathing noises just hit all the hormone buttons for me.

I got pissed at my SO once for the opposite. He snores like crazy and I was big and pregnant and couldn't sleep because he for some reason wasn't snoring. I was convince that he was intentionally NOT snoring just to piss me off, because pregnancy brain makes you crazy sometimes.

As for what to do, just apologize. Tell him that you think it might be hormones. Tell him how stressed out you are. He'll most likely understand.

/r/u_madisonpreggers Thread