It was not actually explained I'm sure it is considered adequate, no disrespect to the mod, but should I post a copy of what I received on my end?

Perhaps that would be useful as I have basically been responding to you assuming you know what I received as a reason, but at this point that doesn't seem as evident to me.

This is all I received before contacting the mod personally, another thing I've done which is frowned upon, I suppose.

Your submission has been removed from /r/deadbydaylight for the following reason(s);

Rule 7 - Spam

Excessive self-promotion - Follow Reddit's 1:10 guideline (1 self-promotion / self-content submission per every 10 submissions) and actively participate in other posts and discussions if you would like to promote yourself or someone you represent on /r/deadbydaylight.

For further elaboration on our rules, please see the wiki page. If you feel this removal was in error, or if you have any questions, feel free to contact the mod team.

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