MIL has completely lost her FM: Me (Easter Update)

Good on you for spotting that triangulation from miles away.

Others have covered this already, but I want to offer a quick summary on "waves" of feminism, because no self-respecting feminist from the last 25 years should be criticizing your choice of lifestyle:

  • First Wave feminism was all about getting women the right to vote. The suffragettes were all about this.

  • Second Wave feminism felt like voting doesn't mean equality, so women should become politically active, enter the workforce, enter and challenge male-dominated fields, etc.

In the 70s and 80s, second-wave feminism began to splinter apart. There were vast disagreements within the movement about things like the role of lesbians, transwomen, sex, porn, and women like you, who choose to adhere to a more "traditional" gender role.

  • Third-Wave feminism started in the 1990s as a response to these disagreements over "what feminists believe." Rebecca Walker (one of the people who started the third wave) redefined feminism as "prioritizing [women's] freedom to control their bodies and their lives," and not supporting people who try to limit that freedom.

One of my Muslim feminist friends gets into this debate often:

"B-but how can you be a feminist when you wear a headscarf?"

"Because I choose to wear a headscarf. Forcing me to not wear something is just as anti-women as forcing me to wear it."

Hopefully next time one of those SoCal wiseasses criticizes your lifestyle to earn themselves liberal brownie points, you can school them on the movement they think they're repping. ;)