The military is moving people like normal, under abnormal circumstances. It's no secret the housing market is in a crisis and renting is equally as competitive right. What are families doing as PCS season starts?

Honestly if you ask me, housing should have never been left to the forces of the free market to begin with. Now that doesn't mean the government should have over regulated and turned it into an absolute shit show like it did with many motor vehicle departments. But there should have always been certain laws in place that enabled affordable housing to be built without jumping through the cirque du solei hoops of most zoning laws.

The demand for housing far outweighing the supply has been evident for quite some time now. And skyrocketing prices as a result of that have also been apparent for a good while now. Even when the 08 crash happened and their was an opportunity to finally get a house for cheap a lot of that supply was bought up by wealthy investors.

Either zoning laws should be forced to allow the construction of new multi family units, or their should be percentage caps on how much the cost of rent can increase in a given year.

There are certain things in life that should not be left up to the forces of supply and demand. Because what inevitably happens is that as demand reaches new and absurd heights, the average joe schmoe gets priced out of everything and only an ever shrinking handful of super rich people can afford anything in the economy.

Owning a house is one of the greatest avenues for generational wealth. And to see so many hard working Americans priced out of it not due to a genuine lack of resources, but rather the unwillingness to change laws so that there can be more affordable housing, is absurd.

To let the decadence of rampant greed eat away at the middle class in the name of the almighty dollar, and letting those with enough resources do as they please and those without kindly fuck off and die is immoral.

/r/AirForce Thread