Military Redditors, when you were in boot camp, what was the funniest thing you ever heard one of your Drill Sergeants say?

Swedish army boot camp 2017. The funniest thing that happened was during a Friday visitation of the barracks. It was one of the Fridays we got to head home for the weekend so everyone was excited to get back home.

Surprisingly the man in charge himself, our Lt. showed up for the visitation. He’s a large man and incredibly hilarious. Instead of starting to look around the room he just walks straight in front of me and looks at me, at which point I get a bit confused. But he just gently shoves me to the side. Then he looks around the room, and dives head first under the bed. The sheer surprise made me and the rest of the squad giggle uncontrollably. When our Lt. tries to get out our lockers are in the way and the smooth dive under the bed was contrasted by the clumsy locker getting slowly pushed forward which made me giggle even more. A squad mate calls out my name to try and prevent a second outbreak of the giggling. My Lt hears this and calls out my name. I simply go yes sir still half giggling. He asks me if I’m particularly in a good mood today. I answer yes sir. He then asks if it’s because it’s Friday and I say absolutely. With this he’s happy enough and leaves our dorm. We all start laughing our asses off. Yeah I miss boot camp sometimes.

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