Millenials need to pay back their student loans

I just assumed you're a pussy for what you wrote, yes. You show a lack of empathy and understanding of economics.

I suppose if you are really content with fighting me, we could box for 3 rounds, but I would prefer that we build up some more animosity because I want to make it worth it if I have to get up for you.

Also, are you kidding me? You are willing to let the people who are currently on social security go hungry? That's essentially what you said because it's millennial who are funding the program. The program is headed towards insolvency. It's the literal definition of a ponzi scheme.

You're also clueless about tuition. Let me explain something to you. You see, there are many type of inflation. When referring to student loans, you have cost plus inflation plus interest inflation. You see, when interest rates are lowered to such an extent, tuition will rise inversely to interest rates because the monthly premium is said to be more "affordable." Since, due to government policies, there is almost an unlimited amount of capital, so that will also cause institutions to raise their prices.

The problem is that you don't understand how economic growth works. As interest rates inevitably rise, banks will be hesitant to lend out capital because they see the economy as contracting, so there will be less jobs, hence less opportunity for these kids to pay off their debt. I haven't even gone into the human labor capital replacement by technology.

So...anyway...we can box. I don't give a fuck, but at least add some fuel to the fire.

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