Millenials, what industry should we kill next?

Okay. Let me try to salvage this obviously ill-conceived joke. Probably a bad idea, but here goes.

  1. I have generally gotten very fast turnarounds on Amazon shipping speed. Like, stupid fast. When they say two-day shipping, they do not fuck around. I am unused to considering Amazon slow.

  2. I happen to enjoy similes that compare things to absurd situations, such as, well, Amazon warehouses working fast because of summary execution as a motivational tool.

  3. For an extra hit of realism, I'd heard that Amazon has some pretty bad warehouse turnover because they actually do work them pretty hard in those things.

  4. I felt I was clear enough at the beginning, and I didn't know what to do with a request to clarify something that I thought I'd already worded straightforwardly. To respond to your actual question, I wasn't sure what to clarify, so I asked what I'd need to explain in what was, in retrospect, kind of a dickish way.

I hope that this thorough proof that my sense of humor is a vestigial organ in a jar of formaldehyde on a shelf somewhere has helped.

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