Millennial health worse than Gen X: Depression, diabetes, ADHD up

We drew the short straws in terms of timing

There has been 14 recessions since the Depression, we have all had the joys of short straws. I was in the first few years of my IT career when the DotCom bubble burst, the 2009 recession effected my generation also and also tanked the retirement of a lot of the oldest boomers who were just on the cusp of retirement.

I remember growing up in the 70's and 80's and just seeing unemployment and temp agency lines that would wrap around the block. My whole childhood my dad and all my friends dads were being laid off every couple of years, I can't think of one that had the same job for more than 5 years.

We're actually due for another recession any time now, my guess is corporate debt (3 trillion dollars) and overpriced housing again will have a big impact on this one.

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