Millennials outnumber baby boomers, but in 2012 only 45% of voters 18-29 cast ballots. 60-70% of voters 45+ turn out to vote. If young voters would cast ballots, Bernie would win. Period. Make SURE your friends are registered to vote. All of them. 26 states + DC have online registration. Do it now!

I'm on mobile, so I'll be brief.

  1. Your argument is too broad. All old people are not wise and all young people are not unwise. Some are, but to that I would say, so what? People are different.

2.I would argue that, while I agree they haven't made as many mistakes of their own, young people in this generation have bore witness to more mistakes than the older generation. The internet is a powerful tool that lets them see mistakes all over the world as they happen. Not to mention the fact that they live in the consequences of the older generations actions. So I'm sure they are quite aware of where the wise ones took them.

3.It's quite funny to me that you would have the gall to mention sexism, as you appear to be a red-piller, but then I figured you must be talking about how much young, white, men are discriminated against. I laughed and decided it wasn't worth opening that can of worms.

  1. The money loving government is actually the main thing that interests me. It is something that we agree on, but at different angles. My concern is that the govt. seems to be more and more controlled not by the people, but by the big corporations that sponsor candidates. I'm okay with the govt. using a lot of money to help the people of our country in accordance to the will of the people. I'm not okay with them using a lot of money to further the goals of a small group of wealthy elite. To me, Rep. and Dems. don't hold the final answer. But either way, your argument is easily disproven. Plenty of mature adults vote democrat, and plenty of young people vote republican, but the way your argument is stated it would be proven wrong by even one young person voting republican/one old person voting democrat.
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