Millennials: Have the two recessions of our generation pushed you towards FI?

Younger millennial here. I’m not sure if it was the 2008 recession or just anxiety in general, but I am very conscious of my financial position at all times.

I never grew up hurting for money. We were not super wealthy, but money was never an anxiety of mine as a kid. Even when my mom lost her job in 2008/9, nothing changed in my daily life because my dad never lost his job.

Then I had to take student loans and support myself and money became an anxiety point. I got and have a decent paying job, carry no debt now (paid it all off in 24 months), but finance is still something I obsess over.

I think it was a combination of my inherent anxiety issues, actually seeing my mom lose her job, having to take on student debt, and now the pandemic. Even though I’m in a great financial position, I still want more and more money because money = safety, even though I don’t know what I need to be safe from. I have never experienced financial hardship.

/r/financialindependence Thread