Milo's article: "Female Thor explains why #GamerGate supporters are worried about SJWs ruining their hobby: it has happened elsewhere"

I think the important thing to note here is that well... Who fucking cares what gender or race a person is? Whether a character is male or female doesn't even equate in my mind until this kind of thing happens and I guarantee, being human, that SJWs are the same. They don't want new or unique complicated, minority characters, they want to just slap boob plate(yes she's wearing boob plate) on pre-existing ones and label anyone who finds it awkward, poorly executed or in poor taste a misogynist.

I mistakenly got into a conversation with a few friends about the goings-on with marvel studios and the recent addition of black panther to the disney-marvel universe. The general mindset? "Who cares?" "We don't know who he is and don't want him." "They're adding him just because he's black!" Moments later this same group started heralding Marvel comics, of which none of them read they happen to only be fans of the movies, for being inclusive with black/gay spiderman and female thor. They went a step further by saying anyone disagreeing with those sentiments deserve to be taken out back for living in the past.

I've been thinking about it and I feel that's what I find most grating about this whole incident. The narrative that they are spinning is one of "women are here, get over it virgins". When in reality women have been here all along and no one genuinely cares one way or the other. Well of course except for the 12 year old halo/cod players who are in fact still virgins by virtue of age. In reality most people have already been supporting strong and well written female characters for significantly longer than Anita has been playing games. Then of course having the media pop up and mirror her statements alongside expressing sentiments toward damning anything that doesn't fit the social narrative that they want....

It's a bit like when you're 20, talking to your mom on the phone while you make dinner. When you tell her you're making dinner while standing over a pan of asparagus, rather than ask you what you're making she reminds you to "eat your vegetables" as if you're fucking 6 years old. You're then immediately tempted to toss the pan, drive to McDick's and grab something sloppy to wash the matronizing tone out of your mind.

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