Mimi Jen's response to Dalis

Not saying it's acceptable but I could kinda see how Rhine's addiction came about - and I'm betting it has a lot to do with the show itself. I'm sure to Rhine he's living a life that revolves around (in Rhine's brain) his biggest mistake (impregnating a teenager and having a child out of marriage). I think, psychologically, having Bentley (and then losing Bentley) traumatized him. Then for 8 years he has cameras following his [lack of] parenting. Additionally there's a constant babble of commentary about it online (and probably in his community).

Not validating his addiction, but I can see how it has spiraled. I hope rehab gives him a heavy dose of therapeutic help. Maybe then he won't float through life as much. I also kind of hope he quits the show (thus figuring out Mackenzie's real intentions). He needs the space to figure out how to be a good (and sober) father and human in general.

idk, I'm digressing this convo - but I had to get it out. He chose Mac as a replacement mother, not a partner. I'm hoping a therapist helps him connect the dots.

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