Minecraft has a sexist community and something needs to be done.

I'm all for a good angry mob, but you should direct that at Microsoft instead of notch.

Notch sold Minecraft due to issues just like this. This is the Twitter post. He was a small developer who made something that got huge. He didn't want to be a community builder, leader of the next generation, or the target of feminists. He is just somebody who built something to make some money. So, he sold to Microsoft. The big, evil faceless corporation that has been hated as M$, Micro$oft, and similar for decades.

He doesn't owe you something just because he made a game. He doesn't owe you his ear, time, or resources because a lot of people liked what he created. Compared to a lot of people who made as much money as he has now, his hands are fairly clean.

Together, we can help bring Minecraft down!

Do you realize what the parents of America will do to you if you try to take away Minecraft? It would be like taking away Netflix/YouTube/cartoons, movies, or early bedtimes. There might be violence.

Minecraft is loved by boys and girls of all ages who like the game for what it is. They don't see it as anything other than fun. For all the garbage out there, Minecraft is a great game for them too. Parents all over the world agree 30 minutes - 1 hour of peace at a time.

/r/TwoXChromosomes Thread