Mini rigs for the win!

I just wrote this a couple days ago, and I would NOT want to write it again

Adding to it, it's like the heat is transferred to your flower more quickly. This translates into a more even roast, inside and out (through conduction and convection). With an SS tip you get more roasting on the outside, and less on the inside. Kind of like heating a frozen block of meat, the outside is hot and ready, but the inside is still frozen. With that said, I just realized it's kinda like the difference between cooking with an aluminum pan vs a cast iron pan. Same heat setting, but the cast iron takes forever to heat up and to cool down.

People say SS retains heat better. You can also say, SS gives off heat slower (either to the material or in the air).

I was going to say something about the principle of conservation of energy, and how it applies to these tips; but nevermind, I wouldn't be the best person to explain it like that

I might take some of that back, but it's just to give you an idea.

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