Minimizing bulge

You can't change your body. It's just the way it is. If someone else has a problem with it, they learn to not stare.

As a girl with large chest, I've learnt to shrug off stares, catcalls, and unsolicited compliments from strangers. I haven't experienced any inappropriate behavior from other swimmers when I'm at the pool. I guess swimmers are just more respectful.

Men are more fortunate in a sense that they can take comments about their appearances more lightly.

If I were a well endowed man, and someone made a comment about the size of my assets, I'd probably have a little fun woth it and make a "that's what she said" joke with a nod, a grin and a wink.

I wish I could do that as a woman, but I can't. Too many men would think I'm flirting with them and fill up my inbox. :/

/r/Swimming Thread