The minimum wage would be $44 an hour if it had grown at the same rate as Wall Street bonuses

Since you want to continue to manipulate my talking points please ask me a question directly.

There are several different perspectives that are being taken here. Let me tell you why. first of all your business owners, now those business owners consist of small and large businesses which operate in a different manner.

Then you have the employees. Now most employees can’t see the difference between small business and large business and because the media tends to run with stories regarding large business we tend to as a whole have a large swath of what we consider a large business from an employee point of view.

Now here’s where it gets interesting. When one of these employees realizes that their skill is worth more than they are getting paid this creates a drive towards independence or competition in the market. Independence can come in a variety of forms however in this situation we’re discussing the creation of a small business. And we can go on and on and on and on and on about correlations of minimum-wage and living conditions etc.

At the end of the day there’s a few ways to look at it you can have a job and to punch in punch out every day from the time you’re 18 to 65. There’s nothing wrong with that when in fact as a business owner I love that. I need employees that don’t have goals because that gives me stability with their employment. You can digest this anyway you’d like but at the end of the day the market exists because of the demand of the market. If someone can do your job better for the same price that person becomes more valuable.

In all this discussion that we’re having comes back to economic value. I know you wanna get all caught up in the fluffy feelings of this and that but at the end of the day it’s very simple if you have a skill that has value you will always be more valuable of an employee then somebody without that skill. If you want to remain competitive in your field, you need to create more value for yourself.

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