Mining prototype

That left me feeling mixed. A repetitive sticker with repetitive effects is boring and turns into a "eh.. no NEED to look", which makes one of the main mining roles less fun and interesting. I feel there should be a more visually informative (whats happening should be a consequence of something else happening) approach to rock destruction.

There are much better approaches to the rock destruction process like:

1) make the ground begin cracking around the site of the laser's impact. 2) As the laser goes deeper, the new cracks formed will be deeper and wider, 'leaking' light from the laser. 3) Ignition of different sized gas pockets produce different scale of effects: a. small produces a single/multi surface crack as well as an explosion and a release of some gas (colored maybe to help visualize what was released). light 'leakage'. b. Medium produces a rock-wide quake and large surface cracks all over the rock as well release of gas from possible other pockets, causing a chain reaction explosion or just a colored gas leak. c. Large produces bad news and results in break down of entire rock, likely damaging anything nearby.

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