Minister for Women thinks she’s so good that she puts herself on her own Honour Roll

I couldn't say why there are more men than women as I haven't studied it. My guess is lifestyle choices and things like having kids and a healthy work/life balance tend to be more important to women than men.

The people I know in top positions (both men and women) work their fucking arses off, still putting in 50 hours or more a week in their 40s and 50s.

Also if people have kids they tend to be constricted in how much they can work, events they can go to and travel they can go on for work. Then there's the added shit happens with kids. I know I have two myself.

Hell, I took a hit to my career when I started working from home a few days a week to help look after the kids. My wife works full time and started her career well after me, but is slowly catching up as I take the main burden of child rearing on. Mainly because my work is more flexible and I can handle most things on the phone or via a laptop.

Apart from those obvious ones, I dare say there are millions of other factors at play that affect who is promoted. Also the fact that people don't ever make a fuss about the industries where women dominate senior positions, but zero in where men do. Because people like you love to point out the injustice where it confirms your own bias. But most people are like that, so I can't blame you.

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