Minor considerations on Season 9 and 10

I'm rewatching seasons 2 to 4... They're genius, truly.

Seeing the episode where Larry eats the baby Jesus cookie.

Larry being a Jew and Christmas being a foreign alien like substance to him, there's a wonderful discomfort and disconnect throughout the episode. As Cheryl's family enjoy their Christmas songs full of positivity and zest, Larry sits annoyed almost like Scrooge from a Christmas Tale.

Its funny because he's set up as an angry, boring old man in contrast to the Christmas thematics, but he's also a Jew and is genuinely uncomfortable with something so foreign to him. That along with Cheryl's family being obnoxious, just assuming that this Jew Larry should know all about Christmas - I'm sure he's felt that in real life with Christianity being the dominant Religion and way of life in the States.

As the Christian and Christmas Holiday here is set up with the same importance most people place on it, anything he mistakingly does is seen as something outrageous. Its not his fault that he ate those cookies or disliked the Christmas carols - its not part of his reality! There's this assumed idea among Cheryl's parents and so many other Westerners that you should just understand Christmas as the best and dominant presence at the end of the year. Larry's an outsider and that must be quite uncomfortable.

Because of the thematic set ups like this throughout the season and the importance other characters place on it, any mistake he makes is highlighted and he's made to look like a criminal. Seeing his face in those moments after he's fucked up is priceless, and it's subtle. Its the work of good writing that ties various stories and ideas together that end in awkward punchlines throughout an episode.

When Suzie Green would figure out what Jeff and Larry had got up to at the end of episodes, seeing Larry be confronted was the funniest thing ever. The whole episode trying to fix a problem that affects Suzie, and just as he thinks he's got away with it, the devil herself confronts him!

These build up and climax moments are so incredibly funny.. I just wish it happened more often in S9, and to a lesser extent 10.

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