Minorities of reddit, what experience was so unbelievably racist, to the point where you weren't even mad, but just... Confused?

I'm white and ethnically Jewish and I've certainly never been oppressed or discriminated against but I have one weird story I'll never forget.

So my high school was mostly Hispanic and in my senior year English class I was the only white kid. I didn't really think anything of it until one day the teacher is sick and we have a substitute named Mr. Greenman (you can probably infer his ethnicity and his religion from his name :) I don't actually remember the point he was making, but he was saying something about college and he used me as an example of someone that would go to college. Keep in mind this sub didn't know me at all and had absolutely no reason to suspect I was any more likely to go to college than anyone else. I guess recognizing that, he said "and I'm not just saying that because Ben is white." Sigh. Then he goes on to say "but the Jewish culture really does emphasize education and that's the reason Jews disproportionately win nobel prizes in academic disciplines and really if you look at the religious and ethnic composition of top colleges in the US...." I wasn't thrilled with that so I told him in front of the class that I wasn't religious and I wasn't interested in being singled out because of my name or my ethnicity, and he (sorta) apologized, but then he KEPT TALKING about the brilliance of Jewish culture. For several minutes. It wasn't offensive exactly- he didn't say anything bad about me- it was just really bizarre. Especially because the guy next to me had just gotten a 1580 and a full ride to UPenn for electrical engineering.

Also I just wanna say it's been great reading these comments lol. Racism is do not be it chief but man it makes for some whacky stories.

/r/AskReddit Thread