Look in the mirror your skin reflects your wellbeing

I hate this flipping attitude.

"ohhh the reason your skin us bad is because you have a bad diet of course! You just don't take care of yourself!"

You ate some chia seeds and went on a tea cleanse last week and now you're suddenly qualified to tell me that my diet has too many 'toxins' and 'bad vibes'.

Acne is caused by a huge variety of factors: allergies, diet, sleep, topical products, hormonal imbalances, genetic predisposition, and many other factors including things we don't even know about yet. So saying 'your skin is a reflection of how healthy you are' is just horrible horrible advice.

I'm pissed off about it because I do most if not all of the diet 'tricks' in the article (not for skincare, I'm allergic to milk and I eat a fairly strict diet with a lot of seeds and nuts for gym recovery). And I still get acne, because my acne doesn't give a shit because it's hormonal and only really responds to antibiotics. So quit telling me about flipping IGF like you're waking me up from the matrix damn you!

/r/Skincare_Addiction Thread Link - natural-beauty-care.co.uk