Misandry ain't real and a formal mod of Menslib admits to be condescending towards men.

More crazy from /u/danceparty3000

Bigotry against whites is like bigotry against broccoli. If people are upset they need to not be.


Men's issues are NOT as important as women's issues. It's a lot like talking about white people's issues.


When individual feminists say they care about men, they're not speaking for all feminists.


So you also think that white people need their own group, then, since racial equality without white people is the equivalent of a court case without the person accused?


Men do not need to be specifically represented at all, anymore than white people need to be specifically represented.


How gender roles negatively affect men is A) something men caused for themselves, B) ultimately still giving them a net gain of power, and C) addressed by ending misogyny


The idea that men can't be raped by women is based in misogyny.

And for good measure, just to round out what you're already picturing in your head about this poster:

overweight women are often healthy

Hates men: check

Hates whites: check

HAES: check please!

/r/SRSsucks Thread Link - reddit.com